
Soduto v1.0.1 Download

Release notes

  • Fix link sharing by drag-drop from Chrome browser.
  • License file included as standalone file into install .dmg image - no need to install the app to read it.
  • Welcome screen and quick setup wizard for new users added.
  • Advanced device information available by double clicking device item in Preferences.
  • Network connectivity improvements.
  • File transfer performance optimization.
  • Migration to swift 4.0.
  • macOS 10.13 support.
  • Licensing and acknowledgments information available from About window.
  • File drag-drop on status menu icon fixed.
  • Other small stability and usability fixes.
v0.4 beta
  • Remote files browsing
v0.3 beta
  • Show device battery charge status icon near device name in status bar menu.
  • Display notification when device battery gets low.
  • Allow to send multiple files.
  • Share files, urls and text snippets by dragging them onto status bar icon.
  • Various updates to network connections handling, increasing overall robustness.
v0.2 beta
  • Sending SMS messages straight from the desktop.
v0.1 beta
  • Basic devices management: pair, unpair, display connection status, test connectivity.
  • Clipboard sharing (text only).
  • Send and receive individual files.
  • Receive shared URL and open it in the browser.
  • Receive shared text snippet and open it in text editor.
  • Display notifications for incoming phone calls and missed calls.
  • Display notifications for incoming SMS. Ability to answer straight from notification.
  • Find my phone function - rings the phone to find it.
  • Using KDE Connect protocol v7 - compatible with KDE Connect v1.0+.
  • Certificates stored in macOS Keychain.
  • Application uses macOS sandboxing.